Subscribers Vs Streams, How Recording Artist Luiii Is Making More Money With Music Regardless Of Streams

June 20, 2022 0

D5EB2042-A4B4-4048-A6D8-92B9D5EAE26A-500x500 Subscribers Vs Streams, How Recording Artist Luiii Is Making More Money With Music Regardless Of Streams

Luiii is a diverse artist based out of California. His music presents an overall vibe that touches the audience’s soul and creates emotion. The young rapper was one of the first full adopters of Scrybe Music Streaming App and his results have shown that the business model can work in assisting Indie artists in generating sustainable wealth from their music recordings.

With what most would deem to be a small number of Subscribers on the platform, Luiii’s earnings from Scrybe keep him competing with artists that would need thousands of listeners just to amass the same amount of revenue on platforms like Spotify. In addition to the fact that Luiii’s monthly revenue is residual and is not based on the amount of listens or new records released, Luiii simply has to focus on maintaining his fanbase.

“My goal is to make $5k a month with 50k subscribers.” – Luiii

The goal set out by the young artist is not an impossible one at all. Scrybe is the least expensive content streaming platform but remains the highest in artist payouts. Artists such as the California native have the full opportunity to take advantage of their social influence and the open algorithm of the app itself. Another main factor is that artists are in full control of the monthly subscription rate. If Luiii ever decided to raise the cost of his monthly subscription to\.25 cents a month, he’d dramatically increase his earnings while still not harming the pockets of his fanbase.

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