Body Rocker: From a Music Prodigy to a Versatile Executive Producer

March 30, 2023 0

5B59B2D1-2616-47E0-B435-2EAE844DBD22 Body Rocker: From a Music Prodigy to a Versatile Executive Producer

Body Rocker is a multi-talented music prodigy who has made waves in the music industry. From a very young age, Body Rocker has been passionate about music and has been fascinated by how sound can create different emotions in people. He was always interested in playing with his dad’s stereo, spinning records on his turntable, and singing his own tunes.

Body Rocker’s creative process for making music is simple. He creates a voice note of the idea that comes to his mind naturally. He then develops the track by songwriting, producing beats, and structuring the track. Body Rocker’s unique ability to structure a track has become his trademark, and his songwriting is very catchy.

As an executive producer, Body Rocker faces various challenges, and the most significant challenge is dealing with collaborations. Body Rocker finds that some collaborations lack the same drive and passion, leading to a lack of business knowledge in the music industry, which can slow down a project and cause confusion.

Body Rocker’s greatest achievement so far is creating the England track for the national England football team in the World Cup 2022 in Qatar. It received a great response from the music and football industry, and Body Rocker is thankful to The Beat London for putting the “Come on England” track on their playlist.

Body Rocker’s advice to aspiring musicians and producers starting in the industry is not to forget where they come from, to have a plan of where they want to be in their music career, and to be properly registered with their PRO to receive payment for their labour. They should also have an agreement in place when going into collaboration on a project.

Body Rocker sees the music industry evolving in the next few years as streams taking over track sales. He believes that many consumers find it more beneficial to stream music than buy it. To take advantage of these changes, Body Rocker aims to mass build up his fan base worldwide to get the most out of streams.

During the pandemic, Body Rocker concentrated on working on his private victories, like making more music and studying more about the music industry, to expand when everything is open again. Body Rocker runs a record label called Body Rocker Records, publishing music for artists, and releases his music through the label.

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