Fabion 305 is Back!

December 4, 2023 0

IMGL9751-334x500 Fabion 305 is Back!

Fabion 305 will be making us sing, dance, and think once again. The veteran artist is back on the prowl with some incredible music. His latest EP “Area 305” is full of bangers you should definitely check out and he is gearing up to release new music soon. The “Lethal Weapon” phenom has been dedicated to his music and the community for many years. Giving a shining light on love and contributions we should all be giving on a daily basis. Showing how you can be an dope artist but an even doper individual. Stay tuned for new and incredible things from this artist. If you love real music and people you can feel you will love “Fabion305.

IMG_8860-334x500 Fabion 305 is Back!

Instagram- Fabion305
Youtube- Fabion305
Spotify- Fabion305
Facebook- Fabion305
Fabion305.com Coming Soon!

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