“The Fight for Fair Royalties: Music Executive Calls for Government Regulation to Ensure Artists Are Paid Their Fair Share”

March 14, 2023 0

John-Kwatakye-Atiko-500x375 "The Fight for Fair Royalties: Music Executive Calls for Government Regulation to Ensure Artists Are Paid Their Fair Share"

The music industry has been rocked by accusations that artists are being robbed of their rightful royalties. With the rise of streaming platforms, such as Spotify and Apple Music, many artists have reported receiving only a fraction of the royalties they are owed. This issue has become a major concern for many musicians, and music executive John Kwatakye-Atiko of entertainment company Popular Demand is calling on the government to regulate BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC to ensure that artists are paid their fair share.

BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC are performance rights organizations (PROs) that are responsible for collecting royalties on behalf of songwriters and music publishers. These organizations work with streaming platforms, radio stations, and other outlets that play music to ensure that artists are paid for their work. However, there have been numerous reports of discrepancies in how these PROs report royalties, leading to many artists receiving less than they are owed.

John Kwatakye-Atiko believes that the government needs to step in and regulate these organizations to ensure that artists are paid fairly. “The music industry has always been a difficult business for artists, and the rise of streaming has only made things more complicated,” he says. “We need clear and concise royalty rates for streams, and we need to make sure that these organizations are reporting royalties accurately.”

Kwatakye-Atiko also believes that streaming platforms need to do more to ensure that artists are paid fairly. “Streaming platforms have revolutionized the way we listen to music, but they have also created a new set of challenges for artists,” he says. “We need to make sure that these platforms are transparent about how they calculate royalties, and we need to make sure that artists are being paid fairly for their work.”

The issue of royalty rates has been a hot topic in the music industry for many years, with many artists calling for reform. With the rise of streaming platforms, this issue has become even more pressing, as many musicians are now relying on these platforms as their primary source of income. As the music industry continues to evolve, it is clear that more needs to be done to ensure that artists are paid their fair share.

In conclusion, John Kwatakye-Atiko’s call for government regulation of BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC is a step in the right direction. It is essential that artists are paid fairly for their work, and this can only happen if there is greater transparency in how royalties are calculated and reported. As the music industry continues to evolve, it is crucial that we work together to ensure that artists are treated fairly and that they are paid what they are owed.

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