15 Best Taylor Swift Lyrics About Self-Love

April 21, 2024 0

Taylor Swift’s songs aren’t just catchy; they’re full of wisdom that can make you feel strong and confident. Since her first album, she’s been sharing her life through her music, making fans feel understood.

Early on, she sang a lot about heartbreak, but even then, she showed how to bounce back and love yourself. As she grew, her songs got even more powerful, spreading messages of empowerment.

In her latest album, Midnights, songs like “Vigilante Sh*t” and “Bejeweled” pump you up to stand tall and embrace your inner strength. They make you feel unstoppable.

People love Swift’s lyrics because she captures complicated feelings in simple words. They’re so relatable that fans often get them inked or use them for Instagram captions. But they’re more than just pretty phrases; they’re like tools to boost your confidence.

So, when you need a lift, play some Taylor Swift. Her lyrics will remind you how amazing you are, whether you’re gearing up for the day or facing a tough moment. You’ll feel like a superstar in no time.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of Taylor’s best lyrics about self-love to boost your self-esteem. We also invited the famous lyricist Jacob Carter to help us interpret the meaning behind these beautiful lyrics.

  1. “Sometimes walking out is the one thing, That will find you the right thing/You know, when it’s time to go” — “It’s Time To Go”

In these lyrics, Taylor Swift is talking about the importance of self-love and knowing when it’s time to let go of something that no longer serves you. She suggests that sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to walk away from a situation that is not right for you. This could be a relationship, a job, or any other circumstance in life.

It’s a message about valuing yourself and having the courage to move on to something that aligns better with your happiness and well-being.

  1. “I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time” — “Look What You Made Me Do”

In this line, Taylor Swift is expressing her personal growth and resilience. She’s saying that despite facing challenges or setbacks, she didn’t let them defeat her.

Instead, she became smarter and stronger just when she needed to. This could mean that through difficult experiences, she learned valuable lessons and toughened up emotionally.

  1. “You don’t have to call anymore/I won’t pick up the phone/This is the last straw/Don’t wanna hurt anymore” — “You’re Not Sorry”

In this line, Taylor Swift is expressing a sense of finality and empowerment in a relationship. She’s reached a point where she no longer wants to endure any more pain or hurt caused by the other person’s actions.

The phrase “This is the last straw” suggests that she’s reached her limit and is no longer willing to tolerate the mistreatment or deception.

The decision to not pick up the phone signifies her determination to cut off communication and move on from the relationship. It’s a declaration of self-respect and a refusal to be hurt any further.

  1. “You’re beautiful, Every little piece, love, don’t you know? You’re really gonna be someone” — “Stay Beautiful”

This lyric is a message of encouragement and self-love. It reminds us that we are all unique and special in our own way, and that we should embrace our flaws and imperfections.

The line “Every little piece, love, don’t you know?” is a reminder that every part of ourselves, even the parts we might not like, are important and make us who we are.

And the line “You’re really gonna be someone” is a reminder that we all have the potential to achieve great things and make a positive impact in the world.

  1. “Because these things will change/Can you feel it now?” — “Change”

In this line,  Taylor Swift is conveying a message of hope and optimism. She acknowledges that change is inevitable and that despite current challenges or difficulties, things won’t stay the same forever.

The question “Can you feel it now?” suggests that she’s asking if the listener can sense the shift, the potential for positive transformation that is on the horizon.

It’s a reminder that even in tough times, there is always the possibility for improvement and progress. The song encourages embracing change and believing in the potential for better days ahead.

  1. “Don’t you smile at me and ask me how I’ve been/Don’t you say you’ve missed me if you don’t want me again” — “Don’t You”

In this lyric, Taylor Swift is clearly setting some boundaries. She’s telling someone not to play with her emotions, to not act like they care about her if they don’t truly want her back in their life. It’s a powerful reminder that self-love means valuing yourself enough to not let people treat you poorly.

Taylor’s voice is both confident and assertive in this lyric, and it’s a great reminder that we all deserve to be treated with respect.

  1. “Something happened one magical night/I forgot that you existed” — “I Forgot That You Existed”

In this line, Taylor Swift sings about a moment of self-discovery and self-love.

She describes a magical night where something happened that made her forget about someone who may have caused her pain or negativity in the past.

This forgetting symbolizes her moving on and prioritizing her own well-being over dwelling on past hurts.

  1. “Someday, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me” — “Mean”

In this line, Taylor Swift addresses the hurtful words and actions of others, but also expresses resilience and determination.

In these lyrics, she looks forward to a time when she will be strong and confident enough that the negativity and criticism of others won’t affect her anymore.

It’s a message of standing up to bullies and finding strength within oneself to overcome adversity.

  1. “This is the last time I say it’s been you all along/This is the last time I let you in my door” — “The Last Time”

In “The Last Time,” Taylor Swift reflects on reaching a breaking point in a relationship where she realizes that she can no longer continue to let someone back into her life who has caused her pain. These lyrics signify her decision to finally break free from a cycle of hurt and disappointment.

She acknowledges that she has been holding onto the hope that things would change, but now she’s putting her foot down and refusing to let that person back into her heart or her life. It’s a powerful declaration of self-respect and boundary-setting.

  1. “Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday/But I realized some bigger dreams of mine” — “Fifteen”

In these lyrics, Taylor Swift reflects on her younger self’s dreams of marrying someone, but as she grew older, she realized she had bigger dreams for herself.

This can be seen as a message of self-love and prioritizing one’s own ambitions and aspirations over romantic fantasies. It’s about valuing personal growth and independence.

  1. “I’m shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town” — “Dear John”

In “Dear John,” Taylor Swift is addressing a former lover who hurt her deeply. This line is a beautiful metaphor for how she’s moved on from this person and found happiness without them.

The image of fireworks shining brightly over a sad, empty town is powerful because it suggests that Taylor’s light and happiness are so strong that they can’t be contained by the darkness of this person’s actions.

This line is a great reminder that self-love means recognizing our own worth and finding happiness in spite of the people who try to bring us down.

  1. “Seems the only one who doesn’t see your beauty/Is the face in the mirror looking back at you” — “Tied Together With A Smile”

This line is a poignant reminder of how difficult it can be to see our own worth and beauty. We can be so quick to judge ourselves and focus on our flaws, while others see the beauty within us.

Taylor Swift sings about the importance of recognizing our own beauty and value, and the damage that can come from constantly striving for perfection.

  1. “Everything you lose is a step you take/So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it.” — “You’re On Your Own, Kid”

In “You’re On Your Own, Kid,” Taylor reminds us that every loss we experience is just a stepping stone towards our growth and success. She encourages us to take each moment and savor it, to make memories and cherish friendships.

The line “make the friendship bracelets” symbolizes the beauty of simple moments shared with loved ones, something we often overlook in our busy lives.

So, go ahead and make that bracelet, take that hike, have that coffee date – every step counts towards a brighter future.

  1. “Best believe I’m still bejeweled/When I walk in the room/I can still make the whole place shimmer.” — Bejeweled

This line is all about confidence and self-love. When Taylor says she’s “bejeweled,” she means she’s wearing her own inner beauty and shining with self-confidence.

She knows that no matter what she’s wearing or how she looks, she can still make a statement and light up a room. By “making the whole place shimmer,” she’s saying that her presence is enough to make others feel good and lift them up.

This lyric is a reminder to embrace our own unique qualities and to radiate confidence from within, no matter what anyone else thinks or says.

  1. “This time, I’m telling you, I’m telling you, We are never ever, ever getting back together” — “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”

In this line, Taylor Swift is expressing self-love and determination.

She’s asserting that she’s moving forward and not going back to a past relationship, emphasizing her decision to prioritize her own happiness and well-being.


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