Did Baby Slvett get a degree, or did she drop out of college?

June 12, 2024 0

IMG_9414-500x427 Did Baby Slvett get a degree, or did she drop out of college?

Fun fact about Baby Slvett that not everybody knows about is that she actually attended several different community colleges, but she dropped out of all of them before the end of the first semester. The actual number of colleges that Slvett attended is unsure, but it was definitely more than one college. She studied different majors at the different schools that she attended. She must have had some kind of confusion about what she wanted to do as her career goal besides music and celebrity makeup. It’s certain that she majored in theater and political science at two different schools, but the other majors are unclear.

The fact that she attended several different schools but dropped out of all of them before the end of the first semester has fans thinking about her music and its succession in 2024. Could this be the reason why Baby Slvett started writing music at 17 and waited all the way until she was 23 to start uploading her raps? There is a huge gap between the time she gained interest in rap music and now. Baby Slvett would have been better off majoring in music since she is a rap artist because it would have provided her with skills as a music producer.

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