Chance is back again with two new singles 9pm in Eastwick made its way to the streets while the summer single Tempo rocks the airwaves!

June 17, 2024 0

IMG_6103-500x304  Chance is back again with two new singles 9pm in Eastwick made its way to the streets while the summer single Tempo rocks the airwaves!

Ever since the success of That Time Of Year Freestyle (Season 3) with Genius Assassin & Cuban Connect, Chance dropped two new singles “9pm in Eastwick & Tempo”. On May 31st when “9pm in Eastwick” dropped the single was one of the most highest streamed single that had the most highest streams & downloads in less than 24 hours.
This single brings the “calm before the storm” type vibe.

9pm-in-Eastwick-500x500  Chance is back again with two new singles 9pm in Eastwick made its way to the streets while the summer single Tempo rocks the airwaves!

This impact was last seen in the days when Chance had dropped “Real Ones Remix Ft. Keon Lego & 90sBaby” in 2018. A week later while “9pm in Eastwick” is holding it down on June 7th, Chance dropped a summer single featuring Fedarro called “Tempo”. This single takes it to a whole new level commercially for everyone to jam to for the summer. Tempo is taking it to new heights on Spotify while the other new single 9pm in Eastwick is taking it higher on Apple Music! These two new singles arent to be missed.

Tempo-Cover-Artwork-500x500  Chance is back again with two new singles 9pm in Eastwick made its way to the streets while the summer single Tempo rocks the airwaves!

Dont you sometimes miss the real hiphop now in days or even miss good music? Chance and his label music group WRDCRecords are up to the task to set the bar higher on what music and the entertainment scenery is missing! For easy access to Chance’s music catalog for streaming & downloads both singles including more content visit also find any single on your favorite streaming service. Go get 9pm in Eastwick and Tempo available now!


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