HHS1987 Freestyle Friday (@MdotAble8020 vs @ReeseRichardson) **VOTE NOW** (12/28/12)

December 28, 2012 3

hhs1987-freestyle-friday-december-28-2012 HHS1987 Freestyle Friday (@MdotAble8020 vs @ReeseRichardson) **VOTE NOW** (12/28/12)

Each and every Friday, HipHopSince1987.com will post an instrumental on the website for ANYONE TO DOWNLOAD. All artists whether its rap, r&b, pop and etc is encouraged to download this week’s instrumental and return it by 10pm Thursday with at least 60 seconds of a their rap, them singing, or whatever it is that they do on that track.

This week’s beat was produced by @Artiphacts.

Last Week’s Champion: SK The Prez (@SKTHEPREZ) decided to give up his two week crown.

Artist #1: M. Able (@MdotAble8020)

Artist #2: Reese (@ReeseRichardson)


The top 5-7 submissions will get posted on HHS1987 Freestyle Friday along with a poll. The poll will close at midnight on Friday. The winner will be announced Saturday and will be given a blog post on HHS1987.com, as well as a post on HipHopSince1987 Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. The winner must participate in the following week.

If there is a winner for 4 weeks straight then he or she will win free advertisement placement on the website.

Make sure you follow @HipHopSince1987 & @ElDorado2452 on Twitter/ Instagram

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