Rising Artist Lancen GM releases his new single “Fake Love”

September 21, 2022 0

Lancen-GM-408x500 Rising Artist Lancen GM releases his new single “Fake Love”

Lancen Gm is an award-winning filmmaker and artist with unique accolades in his ever-growing catalog. Born November 25, 1997, Hollywood filmmaker and musician Lancen Gm promises the artistic embrace of musical beauty and conceptual depth to audiences across the board. This talented musician has ventured deep into the music industry, learning about the ins and outs of the music world, to eventually become one of the leading music artists.

Released to the global market on August 26th, 2022, ‘Fake Love has gained significant traction by being featured through online venues, released via Spotify’s popular Radar playlist, and is also being featured and played on the social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. What makes ‘Fake Love’ such an amazing piece is the energy behind its creation. It’s clean and clear. Lancen is able to maintain a balance between a hip connection, and a core belief of pure intentions and sincerity that resonates in his music.

Lancen’s latest single titled “Fake Love” which has over 85,000 plays on Spotify and is on track to pass half a million streams by the end of the year. To listen to his singles, visit Spotify, or follow him on Instagram for the news regarding new work.
Doing that in the world of music has proved to be even more taxing for many; however, there have been a few rare gems who have stayed consistent in creating a name for themselves and a unique niche as singers, songwriters, rappers, music producers, musicians and artists in the industry. We couldn’t help but notice how a passionate singer and musical artist, Lancen, has been doing exactly that and paving his own path to success with his incredible tracks.

To listen to his singles, visit Spotify, or follow him on Instagram for the latest updates on his work.

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