The influence of modern trends in music on adolescents: the importance of song lyrics and their impact on students

March 23, 2022 0

unnamed-47 The influence of modern trends in music on adolescents: the importance of song lyrics and their impact on students


Every day we are surrounded by music. And people do not even notice how music forms our personality when we take after the superstars and read “between lines” lyrics of favorite songs. Or how it helps us get acquainted with someone or build better relations with other people. Or how we listen to our favorite songs when we are in trouble or feeling thoughtful. Music has been our teacher since childhood. Unnoticed and unrecognized.

Music and personality formation

Youth is the age when people start thinking about words in the songs. Not just dance at the disco to the favorite rhythm. They learn how to love and to feel. Favorite songs are the best indicators of values. And music defines our behavior and personal qualities. As Burdette said: “Music is primal. It affects all of us, but in very personal, unique ways”.

Each adolescent sees something close in the lines of the verses. Their first love, moments of joy, or even traumas. And develop their own interpretations of the lyrics. For example, everyone, who has lost a close person, thinks about them while listening to Christina Aguilera’s song “Hurt”. Teenagers will never become ignorant of the world with music. We live in the lines of our favorite songs, and it makes our personalities.

Listen to the right music

But music can show a negative example too. Many musicians use rude and obscene words in their songs or show arrogant or cruel characters in compositions. Adolescents can think that such behavior is normal and take after the superstars. Even try to repeat these deeds in real life. The importance of song lyrics is underestimated. As a result, teenagers begin swearing, using immoral gestures. Music can promote fake values like popularity on Instagram. Then adolescents try to achieve it, and it does not matter how. Pop music (in the top-5 most popular music genres among teens) romanticizes one-night stands but never says about the consequences. The influence of music on student behavior is excellent. Lyrics shouldn’t be moralistic (otherwise, nobody will listen to them), but be careful with your interests!

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Adolescents also think about their future job. Choose colleges and universities. Mathematics or languages? It is your decision what education to choose. We do not even notice how music helps us to learn. Foreign songs are an excellent way to study languages. Much better than hateful memorization. All the necessary vocabulary is in your head after listening to music. Essays and exams become a pleasant walk, not a difficult challenge.

And do not forget about the Internet resources with playlists for studying and online help like Writix or Spotify. Lots of people work and study while listening to music. Create wonderful poems or even count integrals, solve tasks in mathematics with complex formulas. Music makes teens creative and helps them to develop an excellent taste. It inspires in various senses of this word. As we can see, music’s impact on education is essential from multiple points of view.

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Music as a conversation

Students’ years are not only about studying. It is the range of impressions and new friends who will stay for the whole life. Music is like a conversation and a way to get acquainted with others. People join new social groups. One of the thousands of possible similar interests. You will remember these songs when you are older. People are happy when they have something to remember.

Moreover, song lyrics can weaken the generation gap between parents and children, especially on eternal topics like love and devotion. It is a way to become closer. Music teaches better than any other strict and unpleasant method. You can feel the family unity and enjoy it. Socialization is also one of the positive effects of music on teenagers.

Music as a way to relax

As a rule, teenagers listen to music to relieve tension. They want to forget about their current problems for several minutes (bad marks in college or refusal of a beautiful girl). It is a way to get rid of stress. For example, when people can’t cope with a difficult task, they listen to Eminem’s song “Not afraid”. Lyrics motivate people and make them more calm or productive. That is why there must be lyrics about education, developing yourself, and so on in modern rap.

So music is not only a teacher. It is a psychologist and a coach on motivation. Young people are primarily maximalists and take everything around them very intensively. Older readers can remember themselves in this age: for example, a wish to be the president of your country, to achieve everything possible, to fight evil, and so on. Thousands of protests. And their favorite songs of the teen ages.

The bottom line

Music is not only a form of art. The polyfunctional power: that molds your character, helps parents understand their children and adolescents to build good relations with their peers, cope with complex tasks, and develop good taste and creative thinking. Music can be either a friend or an enemy (depending on the lyrics you are willing to listen to from a young age). So make the right choice. Inspire and be inspired!

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